I like strange, surprising, and unusual things. Sometimes I play the drums. I cannot live without music. I have ugly pets and a handsome son. When I'm not making things on the internet, I create things in my workshop.
In high school, I worked at a retail clothing store, where I learned that most people don't appreciate the subtle differences between restrooms and changing rooms. In college, I worked at a video store, where I helped customers convert cryptic memories into accurate recommendations. (e.g. "What's that movie with the woman and daughter hiding inside a panic room while thieves try to break in?" I believe you're looking for 'Panic Room' "No that isn't it.") For the last 14 years, I've been strengthening my design skills, while working smart AND hard to get to the root of client desires and goals. Although I've often wandered into the realm of front end implementation, my first and underlying skill has been creating solid and cohesive art and designs for whatever comes my way.
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."
— Amelia Earhart